June 4, 2010

Pictures – Just For Fun

Last night hubby and I decided to do something fun together. We went to a mall for a quick supper at the food court and then gave ourselves about 45 minutes to separately walk through the mall and take pictures of 10 unique things. What we didn’t realize was that we would both feel very uncomfortable with cameras in hand looking for things to photograph – I think we were expecting the mall police to come after us -- but we did get a few nice shots and had some fun together.



Picnik collage-mall lights

Picnik collage-kids ride


P1050454 - Copy


                                                                                        Do you see the heart?


                                                                             Any guesses of what this is?

Picnik collage-mall lights-2

1 comment:

Susan said...

What FUN! Great pics! Is that a stack of high chairs or booster seats?